During COP-17, MCII will host the following events:
Relevance of Loss and Damage for LDCs
What Role Can Risk Transfer Play in Loss & Damage: Presenting Practical Examples from the MCII-led Project “Climate Risk Adaptation and Insurance in the Caribbean”
30 November, 18:30-20:00
African Pavilion
The topic of loss and damage in the context of climate change has gained increasing importance in the UNFCCC climate talks in recent years. This side event provides an overview of issues relevant to Least Developed Countries and a discussion with experts about how discussions on loss and damage in the UNFCCC may be shaped by considerations of both climate variability and longer-term climate change. Participants will hear about concepts and experiences from UN and civil society organizations about managing loss and damage.
The side event will be jointly hosted by MCII, UNU, ICCCAD and Germanwatch
Participating experts will include:
- Pablo Suarez (Red Cross / Red Crescent Climate Centre)
- Richard Choularton (WFP)
- Richard Klein (IPCC)
- Ainun Nishat (Bangladesh)
- Sven Harmeling (Germanwatch)
Making Risk Management & Insurance Solutions Work for Vulnerable People in Africa
What Role Can Risk Transfer Play in Loss & Damage: Presenting Practical Examples from the MCII-led Project “Climate Risk Adaptation and Insurance in the Caribbean”
02 December, 09:00-11:00
African Pavilion
African and other delegates from Developing Countries have expressed a demand for more information, practical examples and capacity support to address Party needs around climate risk management and risk transfer.
The Munich Climate Insurance Initiative (MCII) Africa Pavilion side event on 2 December 2011 will bring together a panel of distinguished experts and practitioners on climate risk insurance, with examples of current practice and lessons learned in Africa. Experts will share insights on how weather risk insurance and disaster risk reduction can help foster adaptation to climate change in African countries. Panelists will highlight practical examples of approaches implemented across Africa and present findings, lessons learned and recommendations for adaptation.
Expert Panel – Practical Examples of Climate Risk Insurance and Disaster Risk Reduction Approaches
- Koko Warner (MCII): Welcome & Introduction
- Fatima Kassam (Africa Union): Africa Risk Capacity
- Huzi Mshelia (ICEED): Agricultural Insurance Reform in Nigeria: Towards Climate Resilience
- Richard Choularton (WFP): LEAP, National Level Risk Management and Risk Financing
- Pablo Suarez (Red Cross / Red Crescent Climate Centre): Why Reducing Risks must be at the Core of Insurance Schemes for Adaptation: Insights from Oxfam America’s HARITA Pilot in Ethiopia
- David Bresch (Swiss Re): The R4 Rural Resilience Initiative – Protecting Livelihoods in a Changing Climate
- Haresh Bhojwani (IRI): Addressing the Dangers in Scaling Index Insurance: Farmers and Solid Science-Based Solutions
Party Interventions:
Invited Parties: Ethiopia, Nigeria, South Africa, Bangladesh, Malawi (tbc)
Insuring the Uncertain: Microenterprise Demand for Weather-Related Insurance and Risk Management
What Role Can Risk Transfer Play in Loss & Damage: Presenting Practical Examples from the MCII-led Project “Climate Risk Adaptation and Insurance in the Caribbean”
06 December, 13:00-14:30
German Pavilion, Expo
Small, medium and micro-enterprises in vulnerable regions are particularly threatened by climate change. How can insurance help to secure their livelihoods? A recent study by MCII on behalf of BMZ explores the demand of micro-entrepreneurs for insurance products.
- Present the results of the demand study and discuss them in the context of loss and damage, adaptation and climate change with an expert panel and the audience;
- Discuss experiences and insights about providing risk management solutions to low-income groups and groups vulnerable to climate change.
Part 1 – Framing the Issue
- Gottfried von Gemmingen (BMZ): Opening Remarks
- Koko Warner (MCII): Presentation of the Caribbean Demand Study
Part 2 – Panel Discussion
- Christoph Feldkötter (GIZ): Moderation
- Ekhosuehi Iyahen (CCRIF)
- Thomas Loster (Munich Re Foundation)
- John Junior Ngulube (Munich Re South Africa) [tbc]
Part 3 – Audience Q&A
MCII experts interviewed at the Climate Change Studio
- Peter Hoeppe (Chairman of MCII, Munich Re): The role of insurance industry in management of climate change mitigation and adaptation [WATCH WEBCAST HERE]
- Thomas Loster (MCII Executive Board Member, Munich Re Foundation): Vulnerability, migration, microinsurance and social resilience [WATCH WEBCAST HERE]
- Ekhosuehi Iyahen (Caribbean Risk Managers & CCRIF): Vulnerabilities and needs of Caribbean countries in the face of climate change and the MCII-led programme “Climate Risk Adaptation and Insurance in the Caribbean” [WATCH WEBCAST HERE]
Delegates and experts discuss climate risk adaptation and insurance in the Caribbean
08 December, 18:30-20:00
Orange River (ICC)
By assisting delegates in exploring concepts of how to move from ideas to implementation, the MCII side event aims to help Parties prepare to make a decision on the SBI Work Programme on Loss and Damage at COP-18.
Between 2011 and 2014 the Climate Risk Adaptation and Insurance in the Caribbean programme will design and implement products that combine risk reduction and insurance for low income groups such as small-holding farmers and day labourers in the Caribbean. The products target medium-level weather extremes (e.g. hurricanes and droughts) which may increase in frequency and intensity due to climate change. Germany´s Federal Ministry of Environment supports this project.
Experts on risk management, insurance and adaptation will share insights on innovative approaches from communities, governments and regions of how to catalyse loss avoidance and reduction and highlight potential pathways for implementation.
Koko Warner (MCII, hosted at UNU)
Expert Panel:
- Koko Warner (MCII, hosted at UNU): Introduction and activities of the Climate Risk Adaptation and Insurance in the Caribbean programme
- Christoph Bals (Germanwatch): Policy context and addressing the adverse effects of climate change in vulnerable regions like the Caribbean.
- Norbert Gorißen (German Federal Minstry of the Environment, Nature COnservation and Nuclear Safety, BMU): The BMU International Climate Initiative: Support of insurance-related project as part of integrated adaptation strategies.
- Ekhosuehi Iyahen (CCRIF): Innovations in linking regional pools and local level adaptation and insurance: perspectives from the Caribbean.
- Lucille Sering (Philippines Climate Commission): Relevance of weather risk insurance solutions for heavily exposed countries: Perspectives from the Philippines.