Project Overview
The ASP intervention is a component of the “Social Protection Programme” (SPP) in Indonesia led by Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ), and commissioned by the German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ). The project focuses on the extension of social protection, particularly for poor and vulnerable population groups, against risks from extreme weather events and other natural hazards as well as adverse impacts of climate change. The goal of ASP contributes to the technical foundations of the SPP which focuses on three main outputs:
1. Risk analysis, prevention and reduction plans, along with mechanisms for risk transfers
2. Options for expanding and linking Disaster Risk Management (DRM) with existing social programmes
3. Cost calculations of various financing options and instruments, which include climate risk insurance.
The overall project is being institutionally led by Madiba Consult and implemented by a dedicated project team of individual consultants, including UNU-EHS and MCII expert researchers.
We are contributing to all work packages of the project by providing input and guidance on topics including risk assessment, risk management, and risk transfer, including innovative ways of applying insurance-like approaches towards the fulfillment of the project objectives. This is supported by an advisory function made available by expert professionals within the MCII membership.
Alongside UNU-EHS, we are particularly responsible for the disaster risk management and climate change adaptation sector analyses, including reviews of existing stakeholders, mechanisms and data, and the subsequent identification of protection gaps. Additionally, we will support the identification of potential options and solutions for the implementation of an adaptive social protection approach in Indonesia. Together with the Indonesian government, and in strong collaboration with the planning ministry BAPPENAS, an ASP Roadmap will ultimately be developed, outlining a strategy on how to operationalize ASP for the country.
Our Project Partners
We have partnered with the United Nations University – EHS for this project. The project is implemented with the help of international experts and the administrative project lead is Madiba Consult GmbH.
UNU-EHS launched two new publications: The first, the Assessment of Hazards, Exposure and Vulnerability in Indonesia (HEVA) report, is a risk assessment across regions and provinces in Indonesia. The findings of this risk assessment then informed the second report, the Climate and Disaster Risk Analytics Tool for Adaptive Social Protection (CADRAT).
Around the world, growing impacts from climate change and disasters call for enhanced action to protect people’s lives and well-being. One promising approach to address this challenge is Adaptive Social Protection (ASP). ASP is about combining social protection, disaster risk management and climate change adaptation. In practice, this means, for example, that existing social protection programmes, such as health or unemployment insurance, are adapted to now also cover injuries, income losses and other impacts resulting from natural hazards and climate change. However, the risks that people face are diverse. Food insecurity that is induced by drought cannot necessarily be solved with the same measures that work to address injuries and damages resulting from storms or floods.
“There is no one-size-fits-all solution, and if ASP interventions are to succeed in building resilience, they must consider the specific risks, including local conditions and people’s needs, in the targeted location,” said Dominic Sett, one of the lead authors of the HEVA report. “Indonesia is actually one of the international pioneers of ASP, but even though ASP is an important part of the country’s development plan, more comprehensive assessments are needed to make policy decisions.”
This is what the HEVA report delivers. The scientists developed a new approach for cross-sectoral risk assessments and applied it throughout Indonesia. They focused on the drivers of risk, i.e. hazards, exposure and vulnerability, to identify which communities are most at risk and why. In Indonesia for example, Java and Bali are characterized by high hazard levels but comparatively low vulnerability, while Maluku faces moderate hazard levels but high exposure and vulnerability. This risk composition is important for the design of effective ASP solutions. Based on the assessment the report provides recommendations for policy makers, practitioners and researchers. The approach can serve as a blue-print for further country assessments.
The second publication, the Climate and Disaster Risk Analytics Tool for Adaptive Social Protection (CADRAT), explored the feasibility of a climate and disaster risk analytics tool for ASP. To do so it applied an existing framework, the Economics of Climate Adaptation (ECA), to Indonesia’s Nusa Tenggara region. ECA is a decision-making support tool that integrates climate vulnerability and risk assessment with economic impact studies to determine a portfolio of optimal adaptation measures for diverse climate risks.