MCII side event: What Role Can Risk Transfer Play in Loss & Damge?
What Role Can Risk Transfer Play in Loss & Damage: Presenting Practical Examples from the MCII-led Project “Climate Risk Adaptation and Insurance in the Caribbean”
26-28 March 2012 (Tokyo, Japan)
Parties requested the secretariat to organize, before its thirty-sixth session, an expert meeting to address issues related to assessing the risk of loss and damage associated with the adverse effects of climate change.
The expert meeting will take into account the following questions in accordance with the mandate:
1. What are the data and information requirements for assessing impacts and climate risk, at different levels and for a broad range of sectors and ecosystems? What data are available and where are the gaps?
2. What methods and tools are available for risk assessment, including their requirements, strengths and weaknesses, and can they address social and environmental impacts?
3. What are the capacity needs for applying risk assessment methods on the ground, including for facilitating their application in developing countries?
4. How can the results of risk assessments be optimally formulated in order to support decision-making? What are the desired methods for presenting the results of risk assessment exercises so that they drive decision-making?
The meeting will take into account inputs from relevant organizations and other stakeholders, and draw on expertise within and outside the Convention, with a view to generating an adequate knowledge base for the discussion on a range of approaches to address loss and damage associated with the adverse effects of climate change, including impacts related to extreme weather events and slow onset events (thematic area 2).
Please find all presentations and the most recent information on the expert meeting [HERE].
Session 1 – Framing the Discussion
- Mr. Nobuo Minura (Ibaraki University):Relevant research initiatives from Japan on assessing the loss and damage associated with the adverse impacts of climate change.
- Mr. Andrew Maskrey (United Nations International Strategy for Disaster Reduction): Disaster risk reduction perspective of assessing the loss and damage associated with the adverse impacts of climate change.
- Ms. Joanne Linnerooth-Bayer (Munich Climate Insurance Initiative): Loss and damage from weather variability: the role of risk sharing and transfer
- Mr. Paul Clements-Hunt (The Blended Capital Group): Financial Risk Management Perspective on assessing the loss and damage associated with the adverse impacts of climate change.
- Mr. Thinley Namgyel (Buthan National Environment Commission): National adaptation plans process – where does loss and damage fit in.
Session 2 – Data, Information Requirements for Assessing Impacts and Climate Risk
- Mr. James Beedle (Willis Japan Insurance Broker K.K.): Willis Research Network: developing new science supply chains through the modeled world.
(source: UNFCCC website)