MAIN CONFERENCE PAGE (will be constantly updated with all conference sessions)
What is pro-poor climate and disaster risk finance and insurance about? What is the experience with designing and applying pro-poor principles and approaches? Which perspectives do multiple actors – governments, civil society, academia, private sector – bring to the tables, locally, nationally and globally? And how can the international cooperation and support architecture advance pro-poor and just approaches to tackle the climate impacts and losses and damages that communities and countries of the Global South are facing?
These are some of the key questions that this conference hosted by a joint civil society consortium is aiming to explore with a wide variety of experts and decision-makers.
The hosting consortium comprises CARE (Germany, Laos, Malawi, Madagascar), MCII, Germanwatch, SLYCAN Trust (Sri Lanka), Chrysalis (Sri Lanka), CDEA (Laos), CISONECC (Malawi), SAF-FJKM (Madagascar), CPDC (Caribbean), ENDA Energie (Senegal), ICSC (Philippines)
MCII will host two sessions:
Climate and disaster risk finance: exploring the institutional landscape, gaps and needs
Date and Time: 13 Sept. 2022, 11:00-12:30 CEST/9.00-10.30 GMT
Climate and Disaster Risk Finance and Insurance (CDRFI) is a prominent topic in 2022. The G7, recognizing the lack of scale and fragmented landscape of donors and implementing organizations, has launched an initiative to improve financial protection of vulnerable people through the ‘Global Shield against Climate Risks’. Financial protection against climate risks also features frequently in the Loss and Damage discussion inside and outside the UNFCCC, and specific initiatives like the L&D Financing Facility are emerging. This session discusses the state of the current climate risk finance architecture as well as key needs and entry points of improvement. Reforming the space is a challenging endeavor, but Civil Society Organizations and Multi-Actor Partnerships can play a significant role through their wide networks and local connections.
Moderation: Magdalena Mirwald (MCII)
Paper presentation: Thomas Hirsch (Climate and Development Advice)
Panel: Astrid Zwick, Yannick Schillinger (UNU PACET), Sara Ahmed (V20), Kairos dela Cruz (ICSC), Vositha Wijenayake (SLYCAN Trust), Sven Harmeling (CARE)
Building capacity and sharing knowledge on CDRFI: tools and approaches
Date and time: 14 Sept. 2022, 4-5:30 pm CEST/2-3.30 GMT
Climate and Disaster Risk Finance and Insurance (CDRFI) is a complex subject, and technical capacity gaps are one of the most named challenges of our MAP CSO partners and their member institutions. CDRFI is constantly gaining prominence, hence sharing knowledge and building capacity of new and existing stakeholders across different sectors, as well as educating beneficiaries and customers, is and will be a continuing endeavour. A number of CDRFI Knowledge Sharing Platforms and online courses have emerged in the last few years, particularly under the InsuResilience Global Partnership, the UNFCCC as well as from MAP partners. This session will introduce these different platforms, formally launch MCII’s new MAP eLearning course on CDRFI and give ample opportunity for discussions on best practices and lessons learned.
Moderation: Magdalena Mirwald
Panel: Jana Siebeneck (IGP), Christon Herbert (CPDC), Stefan Dierks (UNFCCC), Raul Fernandez (MCII)