From Innovation to Learning – Creating a CDRFI Evidence Roadmap!
The goal of this workshop is to take stock of the disaster risk finance (DRF) evidence landscape – particularly with regards to the Pro-Poor Principles – and to create a common understanding of (a) current knowledge, (b) work being done, and (c) gaps that need to be addressed. It will provide the foundation for the evidence agenda of the InsuResilience Global Partnership and its impact working group.
For more information on registration, please scroll down.
For asynchronous participation, please find all relevant documents and recordings below:
Day 1 Presentation Slides (Kreft/Nett) Day 1 Presentation Slides (Surminski)
Evidence Brief 1: Microinsurance (pdf) (Mendeley Group)
Evidence Brief 2: Meso insurance and Aggregation (pdf) (Mendeley Group)
Microinsurance Breakout Session Slides Meso Insurance Breakout Session Slides
Evidence Brief 3: Sovereign Risk Pools (pdf) (Mendeley Group)
Sovereign Risk Pools Breakout Session Slides
Evidence Brief 4: Macro Policy Solutions (pdf) (Mendeley Group)
Macro Policy Solutions Breakout Session Slides
Evidence Brief 5: Non-Insurance DRF (pdf) (Mendeley Group)
Non-Insurance DRF Breakout Session Slides
Presentation Slides (Katherine S. Miles)
Presentation Slides (Soenke Kreft)